Steering Group News

18 March 2008

The Steering Group held its first meeting a week after the AGM. Gerald Coynyngham agreed to take over from Linda Lever as Chair. Linda will now become the co-ordinator of the action groups. Other post holders are: Charles Mossman  Vice Chair, Anne Tucker Secretary, Sue Chantrey Treasurer, Alan Murray Publicity Officer, Simon McEwan Press Officer, Paula Mossman Membership Liason. Bob Wright, Mim Deakin, Liz Culpeper and  Matt Hall are also additional Steering Group members.

The finalised and now officially signed CCA constitution is available for you to read.   

In brief the Steering Committee plans to do the following in the next few weeks in addition to supporting and participating in all the working groups that are now up and running.:- complete the remaining formalities to become an official Transition Town, create a new CCA leaflet, create a new user friendly CCA website, assess the viability of holding a 'big' awareness raising and fun event in the summer, attend local events where other climate change organisations meet to share expertise and initiatives.


It was decided that as the newsletter was now having so much Crediton related 'stuff' to report we would have to limit the amount of space we could devote to reporting  what is going on in Exeter and elsewhere. Accordingly I am letting you know that: 

  • There is a vibrant series of events and meetings in Exeter run by Low Carbon Exeter over the next few weeks including a planned plant sale and seed swop.

  • Friends of the Earth Exeter has a number of good initiatives on the go including a campaign to oppose the expansion of Exeter airport. You can find more by contacting Maurice Spurway Co-ordinator of Exeter Climate Action