An Eco Hub for Crediton - can we do it?

2 July 2023

We are now piloting our 'Eco Hub' in the former Town Council offices in the Town Square. We're very grateful to the Town Council for offering these premises: a shop front and shareable space, allowing us and like-minded groups to promote the green agenda and community wellbeing. We have just six months to see whether we can make a success of it. Can you help?

During this pilot phase we're opening the hub three times a month: 10am - 1.00pm during Farmers' Markets (1st and 3rd Saturdays) plus the third Thursday of the month. (July 1st, 15th and 20th; August 5th, 17th and 19th).

Please come along and see what we're doing, and get involved if you can. (Or contact if that's easier for you). What we need right now is people to help organise the hub and develop a programme. We need your input! And we need volunteers to staff the hub, and volunteers to run activities.

We've wanted a presence in the town centre for so long… the question now is, can we build a strong enough team of volunteers to make a real success of it?

We think it's going to be fun as well as exciting. Staffing the hub involves chatting with visitors and passers-by, sharing ideas and information about sustainability, encouraging them to look at displays about our current activities and volunteering opportunities, asking for their views on how we can progress. Everyone who's tried it so far has found it really encouraging to feel a groundswell of local support, and to see families engaged with the activities provided. And we do believe we'll be able to make a difference, and bring change for the better…

Finally, a call-out to other like-minded groups that you may be involved with: such groups are welcome to contact us to see whether we can collaborate, or alternatively they can book use of the space at other times via (a small contribution is payable towards electricity and insurance)