A walk round Sandford Millenium Green

1 April 2023

 Pick up a leaflet in Sandford Community Shop and PO and follow the beautifully enamelled way markers to enjoy all the special features of the Green. These include a wildflower meadow, willow structures and a herb and forest garden with many medicinal plants, not to mention the cob shelter, built by members of the group.

Sandford Millennium Green was opened in the year 2000, after years of voluntary effort including some serious fund-raising. It is kept as natural and bio-diverse as possible, within the limits of a green space to be used by all the community. It is run as a charitable trust by continued voluntary efforts, including more fund-raising.

Some of the maintenance is carried out on a monthly basis on Sunday and Tuesday mornings. Recent work mornings have included: pruning in the orchard, coppicing hazel, seed sowing in the herb garden and renovating willow structures. If you would like to be informed of future work sessions, contact Linda Lever via the link on this page, who will pass on your details to organisers.