Pollinator project update

Bee enjoying Belle Parade flowers

We have not forgotten the pollinator project and over the summer have been working on organising new plots. We hope to be working with local residents in Crediton getting them involved in projects near them in the Autumn.

 Our Belle Parade site suffered a bit through the lock down but working parties, taking care to observe social distancing, have been out weeding and we have done further planting to make good some gaps. It has been looking  great and we get a lot of positive comments from passers-by. We are pleased to report that the bees are loving the site!

We have saved seeds from some of the plants that had gone over and plan to save more, ready for sowing for plants for next year. If all goes well we hope to have a seed sowing day or two at some point, would love people to join in.

Thanks to Eve Malster's enthusiasm and hard work, we hope to develop a Community Orchard. Other sites are in the pipeline.

While we are still slowed down by Covid-19, do look out for sites we could be working on when we can.

 Contact info@sustainablecrediton.org.uk.