Successful Seed Share

2 March 2014

The recent Sustainable Crediton Seed Share at the Town Hall was once again a very pleasant and successful event.  In addition to the seeds received from the Heritage Seed Library,  plenty of saved seeds were brought and exchanged.

The Devon Wildlife Trust, Mole Avon, Once Read Books, Orchards Live, Tiverton Beekeepers  and the Firewood from Hedgerows all provided stalls with information  and were kept busy in conversation with interested  people. Sustainable Crediton provided information on seed saving, composting and Sustainable Living.

The wonderful soups and cakes went down a treat and added to the day offering a chance for those interested in Sustainable Crediton to meet and chat.

Save your seeds this year and come along next year. Contact Dee Ross on for information about seed saving or come along to the Sustainable Crediton stand at the community markets.