Community Allotment news

20 June 2023

UPDATE - Please note the Community Allotment is dormant at the moment (March 2024). More news later ......

The Community Allotment is for everyone. If you would like to come along and share in the gardening, planning and /or harvesting please do. There is someone up there every Wednesday from 11-2 to introduce folk to the allotment. Once introduced people can go up any time and we're always happy to arrange another time for an introduction. In the summer its lovely to go up in the evening . You can find up -dates on facebook .

We had a great crop of broad beans, some beautiful lettuce and loads of strawberries that are still producing. Tomatoes, beans, courgettes, cucumber, leeks, and several brassicas hold promise for the future. The potatoes in the new bed should be ready soon. There's still some planting to do.

We have decided to make a big change. The plot as it was given to us has too much uncultivated ground to manage and we have decided to hand back the bottom section of the plot to the association. That section does include some fruit trees but we have been assured that we will be able to move the three that have recently been planted including those adopted by Hayward's school come the winter.