Review of Woodland and Hedgerow Work Party 9/2016


Moor Farm, Nr Morchard Bishop EX17 6RX GoogleMap

Bartering home grown produce
cherry tree not for coppicing
hazel stools for coppicing
John and Charles in a team
setting up

Perfect autumn day, cold bright and sunny. The lane being closed near to the turn off for the farm caused the forming of a small convoy seeking an alternative route. The Benny Hill chase routine comes to mind as we followed a member of the group with a Sat-Nav zigzagging around the lanes. We eventually ended up in farmyard, unfortunately not the right one. The farmer gave directions, and a member of the group coopted Emma to map read, backing up his Sat-Nav. He then zoomed off leaving the rump to make their own way. Pete, Terry and I eventually arrived on site via Kennerleigh, black Dog and Morchard Bishop....................
We had a full turnout and formed three coppicing teams.

The three teams worked seperate pieces of the wood resulting in a large area of coppiced woodland. The owner visited late in the day and was singularly impressed with our site management and neatness in racking the brash and stacking of the logs.


Moor Farm Risk Assessment

Moor Farm Emergency Procedures

Chainsaw Use at Moor Farm


Last updated on by Charles Mossman