Take Part in Crediton Counts


If you do nothing else to support CCA this year please take part in this campaign. Our future depends on the outcome of these talks in Copenhagen in December. Help us influence that outcome.


We are joining the world-wide 350 campaign. 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the latest figure agreed by leading climate scientists as the limit at which we can expect life on Earth to remain much the same. We have exceeded this already so need to act urgently. The number of events now planned worldwide to show the Goverment ordinary people care deeply about this issue already exceeds 2000. Visit www.350.org for more details.


Plans for our event in Crediton are well underway.


We will have the Town Band, World Music Choir and CRAMP all playing and singing to entertain us. We will be chalking 350 footprints around the Town Square, forming a giant human 350 in the Square at 11am for a photograph, and accepting pledges and photos from groups all over the town who have held their own 350 events this month. These will then be taken to Copenhagen in Dec by Laura & Gerald Conyngham who plan to cycle there to present them to Ed Milliband.


If you would like to support Laura & Gerald's cycle ride to Copenhagen, which is for Christian Aid, visit their Just Giving page.


On October 24th there will also be local food and drink in the Square, displays from Co-Cars, Greenearth Biodiesel and other local environmentally friendly companies, a CCA stand, eco balloons to blow up and wave and 350 free cupcakes kindly baked by WEN and the folks at Beech Hill.


Events start at 10am with the Town Band playing, pledges and photos will be accepted at 10.30, the big 350 photo will form at 10.50 and then the World Music Choir will sing at 11am. CRAMP will complete the entertainment from 11.30am. We are also hoping that the Arts Centre might provide us with some street entertainment throughout the morning.


Here's how you can get involved :


  • Among jobs we need help with are: chalking footprints, marshalling people for the 350 photo, helping with signing pledges, getting pledges signed, help on the CCA stand, setting up and clearing up, blowing up balloons.
  • Please contact us to volunteer your services, even if you can only help for a short time.


But above all:


  • come to the Town Square on 24th October between 10 and 12 - we need at least 350 people
  • come on foot, by bike, by public transport or even by horse if you can
  • mark your footprint around the Square
  • sign our pledge and get others to sign it
  • take part in the 350 photo
  • eat cake