Plastic Bag Free Crediton

In the last few days we have placed an order for over 1700 jute bags which we plan to give away/ sell at our launch of Plastic Bag Free Crediton in October. They will be branded The Crediton Bag and will not only give shoppers an alternative to plastic carriers but we hope will also build pride in the town too.

During July we are approaching ALL the retail premises in Crediton to ask them to join the Plastic Bag Free Crediton scheme.

So we are at a crucial juncture and NEED YOUR HELP.

Please, every time you go into ANY shop in Crediton, make it known that you support the plastic bag free scheme. Some of the shops are very much on board now but others still need persuading and the more of you who tell them you would like to see them join the scheme the more confidence they will have in coming on board. Part of the scheme is to charge 10p for any plastic bag alternative that is given out after our launch date (to dissuade people from taking uneccessary bags) and some traders are a bit wary of this, so if you tell them you think it is a good idea you will build their confidence.

Thank you