Review of Waste Action Group meeting


Crediton EX17 3JZ GoogleMap

Present: Paula, Jill, Anne, Esther

Apologies: Charles, Nancy, Carolyn, Stella


1. Plastics Collections 2014 

Dates for 2014 were decided as follows:

Jan 11th

March 29th

May 31st

July 26th

Sept 27th

Nov 29th

Please notes that these dates are still all Sats but apart from Jan are now all the last Sat of the month rather than the 1st as this makes it easier for advertising.

Collections to remain at Peck & Strongs with their permission. Anne to check with Peck & Strong before leaflets are printed.

Carolyn to be asked to liase with Hedgrow and produce a new leaflet ready in time for the Jan collection. Leaflet to be in bright yellow in same format as before but a proof to be sent to all WAGs members before printing to check for any layout errors.

Paula to liase with Carolyn to agree layout before printing.

Carolyn to check prices for a min of 1500 leaflets and price breaks on larger numbers and final number to be agreed between Carolyn and Paula dependant on price.

To date we have collected over 7 tonnes of plastic with our largest collection to date in Sept when 1233 kg was collected giving us costs of £46 and an income from recycling credits of £66 that month. In most months we make a small loss of around £20 but over £500 of the original grant still remains.

It was decided to offer the income from recycling credits to PWS for 2014 as they make a loss on each collection currently. Jill to speak to them.

If there are sufficient helpers it was also decided to separate out the higher value plastic such as milk bottles and drinks bottles at the collections as this brings in more income for PWS. Anne to check with delivery drivers what to separate out in this way.

A collection will be starting in Sandford at the Village Hall in Jan similar to the Cheriton Fitzpaine collection, which continues, and taking place during the week before 11th Jan. Anne to ask PWS to collect this on their way to Ch Fitz on the morning of 11th Jan.

Anne will put notices in the Sandford Crossing for each collection and posters in village. Paula & Charles will continue to do this in Ch Fitz too.

Paula to send Anne copies of the notices that have been produced for Cheriton Fitzpaine.

All remaining green leaflets for the 11th Jan collection to be put in Morrisons, around the town, by Esther and Jill.

Anne commented that she was concerned about Health & Safety at the collections esp as the numbers of helpers are building up and no-one has a specified job and a lot of chatting sometimes goes on. Anne agreed to send the risk assessment to all potential volunteers  before each collection and to have a briefing for volunteers at the start of each collection. At the briefing someone would be asked if they would take on the role of directing cars to park safely when it is busy and making sure the safety tape stays taught and in place.  

Paula to write press release regarding new dates etc at beginning of 2014.


2. Clothes and Household Goods Swap

After discussion at the last meeting and again today it was decided to give the clothes and household goods swap a rest in 2014 and concentrate on another event in its place. After due discussion it was decided to plan a pop up shop event for autumn 2014 in Crediton High St at whatever shop might become available that was in a suitable location and would have us.

Paula to cancel Boniface Centre for March 22nd.

Work on planning a pop up shop event to start in January with setting of a date and a brainstorm of ideas of what activities could be  included.


3. Terracycle and Biscuit Wrappers

Paula explained that we had earned £66 for the Food Bank from the biscuit wrapper collection. However due to Terracycle's administrative system we would not be able to hand the money to the Food Bank until mid 2014.

Jill to explain the situation to the Food Bank and apologise for the delay

It was decided that any publicity of the money hand over would be delayed until the funds were released by Terracycle.


4.New Volunteers

It was decided to approach all the new potential new volunteers on the list from the Sept plastics collection by Dec 15th latest.

Paula would divide list between 6 WAGs organising group as below and each person to talk to their contacts ASAP and feed back to Anne the following information before Xmas:

Name, telephone number, email address, what they are interested in helping with.

To assist with making the calls it is suggested you might like to approach people in the following way:

Suggested approach

Introduce yourself and say you have got their name from the list they added it to at the Sus Cred plastics collection in Sept.

Apologise for delay in contacting them but explain we have just had a get together (advisable not to use word 'meeting') to make some plans for 2014 and we have waited until after this to get in touch.

Ask if they are still interested in what WAGs do.

If they are - say thats great and ask - Would you like to hear about what we have in mind for 2014?

If yes:-

Next year we will be continuing our plastics collections with 6 more organised, organising an exciting new idea of a pop up shop in the High St for 2 weeks in the autumn and also helping with recycling at the Food Festival (June 12/13). We also have regular get togethers to organise the events and would welcome new members and are also looking for new people who would like to be involved and who may have other ideas of their own or would like to help with other ideas we have in mind but for which we do not have enough people involved to carry out yet.

Then ask - I wonder does any of this sound of interest to you - then let them talk.

If they just say 'yes' then ask them if anything you mentioned appeals to them?

Leave the questions open if possible so they have a chance to express their views. 

If they ask about other ideas we might have in mind you could refer to Jills list from our brainstorm meeting which you could have in front of you

Names to contact as follows:


Michael Hall 01363 776574 (Sats only)

Gary Adams  01363 775424 (Sats only)

Judith Nichols  01363 84237


John Shepherd 01363 774432 (Sats only plastic collection)

Kevin Cocks 01363 777231

Heather Kenefick 01363 84839 (Sats only)


Beth Barlow & Jack Robson 01363 775919 (Interested in litter picking)

Hilary Hamilton 01363 772365

Lucy Clarke 01363 777604 (quite busy but interested) &Tilly Clarke (15) poss D of E project


Cathy Horsley 07815 314473 (young couple)   

Nanette 01363 776140

Bridget Merrett 01363 774352


Julie Strudwick 01363 776415 (occ help as single mum, rainforest activist)

Paul Cartwright 01363 774115


Yvonne Youles 01363 773359 (meetings but not Sat mornings)

Rossy McClaren 01363 772312 (plastic recycling)

Please get all feedback including email addresses to Anne before Xmas so she can co-ordinate a list.

We can then get back to any one wanting to help with plastics collections after Xmas and also decide how to handle any remaining people who want to help in other ways at our Jan meeting.


5. Recycling List

This is progressing well and everyone realises it will always be an ongoing project as recycling changes and progresses.

Anne will aim to have a draft ready for the website by the end of 2013 and some copies available for us to see on paper at the Jan meeting.

Jill to speak to Adams about water filters

List can be used at plastics days, in the pop up shop, at community markets among other places but we will not print large quantities at any one time due to changes that will inevitably occur regularly.


6. Other Events

Anne felt we need more small events/projects that can be fitted around the big events and do not need huge amounts of manpower and resources.

Stella had written in detail to Jill about her ideas that among others included more education work. It was wondered if she might be interested in writing some articles on WAGs and 3R's issues for the papers? Anne would speak to her and get her thoughts.

Esther volunteered to do talks to groups if we could develop a talk on an interesting topic that she could give. She would be willing to approach groups and volunteer this.

Paula agreed to co-ordinate a 'Garden Re-Use list' of ideas and projects that keen gardeners could use to recycle and reuse everything and anything in the garden. Please will everyone send ideas to Paula to get this started.


7. Any Other Business

7.1 Devon Waste Strategy Document - this is now up for final comments which must be in by Feb. It is a huge document and includes the proposal for an Energy From Waste Plant at Tiverton and an increase in recycling to 64% from the present 55%.  All present agreed that if Charles wanted to review this document we would be happy for him to put in comments on the groups behalf.

7.2 Cox the Butchers

Cox the butchers in Crediton High St have agreed that if people go into the shop with their own clean plastic containers that they will put meat directly into them without using small plastic bags. Paula to publicise this in next newsletter so perhaps some Sus Cred members will take up the idea and get it started.


8. Next Meeting

Mon Jan 6th 2pm at Jills house

Mon Feb 10th 2pm at Jills house


Last updated on by Webmaster