Review of Waste Action Group Meeting


Crediton EX17 3JZ GoogleMap

1) Apologies

 Charles and Paula Mossman

2) Matters Arising

Paula to write an article about the MRF visit asap. Charles to get in touch with John Downes to ask about MDDC taking over plastic recycling in Oct 2015.

3) Feedback for plastic recycling day in Sept

People are still leaving bags before  the start of the collection and they contain some rubbish. 60 bags of plastic were collected. A plastic recycler said that she started recycling after she had seen our display outside Tescos. Perhaps we could do this again next year using a dumpy bag. 

Actions: Stella to write recycling tip of the month about plastic and what is suitable etc.

Anne to circulate to all information on how much plastic has been collected in  the past.

Paula to make a sign for Peck and Strong wall to go up just before 29/11.

4)  Plastic Collections in 2015

All in favour of having these in 2015.Dates- 31/01,28/03,  30/05,25/07,26/09, 28/11. 

Actions: Carolyn to arrange for leaflets to be printed on suitable colour. To be available for November plastics day. (Possibly 1500)

Action: Anne to let Carolyn know number of leaflets previously printed.

Action: Esther to speak to John Peck to make sure he is ok with using his premises next year.

Action: Anne to ask DCC what happens to the plastic that Punchbowl collect. Rumour has it that it is incinerated.

5) Pop up shop

Discussion about this as it seems that it will be next year before Refurnish are open. Jill wanted to run the shop in November and discussed using Bonheur. Both Stella and Anne will not be available in January, Feb and March 2015. Agreed that it might be possible to do a shop at the end November. Agreed to make a decision at next meeting when we know more about Refurnish. Also discussed possibility of having a stall at the Farmers Market and storing goods at Council offices?

Action: Jill to talk to greenshop about their plans for xmas.   

6) AOB

Christmas Tree Festival-Sustainable Crediton tree. Agreed for WAG to do the tree with the theme of Waste in Wonderland.

Action: Caroline to coordinate making the decorations using plastic drinks bottles. Esther to help her assemble on 03/12. Anne to write article for church mag and to put an ad on SC website for bottles of various sizes and colours. Collection point at  17 Okefield Road.

Freecycle ad in newspaper: Anne had example of this from a Jersey newspaper. She will e mail Alan at Crediton Courier to see if they would like to run something similar.

Stella will not be able to attend meetings for the forseeable future, but is happy to carry on doing the Recycling Tip of the Month

Volunteers get together - meet in a pub? Discuss at next meeting.

7) Date of next meeting

10/11/2014, 2.00 pm at Esthers


Last updated on by Charles Mossman