Review of Waste Action Group meeting


Crediton EX17 2DL GoogleMap


Notes from meeting on Jun 10th


1) Apologies



2) Matters arising from last meeting

a) Plans for Give or Take event in October.

Budget: £250 for advertising in Courier and leaflets. 

Action: Charles to ask core group to loan us £100, to be repaid from donations from the event.


3) Lessons learnt from Reuse event at Farmers Market in May

Mid month farmers markets are not as popular as markets at the beginning of the month.

It should have been made clear at the outset what the rules were with regards to what should be on the stall (plants could not be sold or given for donations as they were seen as competing against another stall holder).

Other Sustainable Crediton groups could use the Farmers Market in the future (for free). Also we could use it to advertise Give or Take event.

Action: Esther to inform other Sustainable Crediton groups about using the Farmers Market.


4)  Food Festival Recycling - 18th/19th June

Clear plastic bags must be used. Traders will have trade waste bins. Recycling area to be outside the Council offices.

3 types of recycling 1) co-mingled - clean paper, card and tins,  2) glass  3) clean plastic. Also one bin for landfill. Rota circulated. Jason to take care of existing bins in the square. 

Action: Anne to deliver high viz vests to Esther before 18th

Action: Charles to deliver 2 banners to Jill

Action: Jill to send email with rota and asking everyone to bring suncream and gloves

Action-: WAGs to review event afterwards


5) Morrisons Forum

Agreed issues for discussion at first meeting on 15th June.

Action: Jill to resend Dee's initial info to Paula and Anne

Action: Esther to contact Tescos and Co-op with the food petition and to get further copies of the petition from Dee


6) Litter group

Charles reported that there had been one litter pick so far and that in future members of the group would organise themselves.

Action: Charles to arrange for black plastic sacks to be at the Council offices for group members to pick up


7) Working with schools

Decided to leave this to the core group to organise.


8) Restart (electrical repair) event/Repair cafe at Give and Take event in October

Action: Esther to contact Emma Croft

Action: Charles to ask on facebook for a bike maintenance person

Action: Anne and Charles to contact sewing people to ascertain when they could attend, either 10 to 1 pm or 1 to 4 pm


9) Date of next meeting

2nd September, 2.00 pm at Esther's.


Notes from last meeting

Last updated on by Anne Tucker