Review of Waste Action Group meeting


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1) Matters Arising from 25/01/2016 meeting


a) Give and Take event at Methodist Church

Discussed further in light of response from Church. Decided to try for 21st October to 29th October.

Action: Esther to contact church and ask about dates and about using the premises for repair work to test out the future possibility of running a repair cafe. 

Budget - to negotiate with core group an advance for funding in lieu of donations. Could use Reuse resources for equipment. Contact Refurnish for any of their unwanted goods.

Action: Paula to check rules re 'Awards for All' funding.

Future details of  'Repair Cafe':

Action: Charles to contact possible PAT tester for electrical equipment.

b) Stretchy Plastic Collection

Esther had researched this and it does not seem feasible to run a collection.

Action: Anne to write article for next SC newsletter about taking plastic to Morrisons.

Action:  Charles to write to Morrisons about plastic bags.

c) Food Festival Recycling

This will be sorted at meeting this week with Jason and Felicity from MDDC

d) Repair Café

Jill and Esther reported on their visit to Tiverton Repair Cafe. Possibly run one in Crediton. Garden tools repair? Insurance could be an issue. 

Action: Charles to check out insurance


2) Recycling at Town Square Christmas event

Discussed, general consensus the group do not want to run the recycling at the event.

Action: Esther to contact Clare telling her that the group would be happy to provide practical guidance to the cadets. Have the cadets surrounding the bins?


3) Devon Reuse Week

Decided to hire a stall at the Farmers Market on 21st May, showcasing 'Reuse Skills'.

Rags Rugs and Bunting - Carolyn, Painted Furniture - Charlotte, Jewellery - Esther's contact. Agreed that items can be sold. Use publicity material from Emma. 

Action: Esther to contact Farmers Market to book a space before checking availability of stall holders

Action:  Charles to discuss showing of the Reuse film with QE. 


4) Events for 2016

As above. Also Xmas Tree Festival in December.

Action:  Esther to send off booking form.


5) Goals and Strategy for SC strategy

Goal - By 2050 for Crediton to be a zero waste town.

Action: Esther to send goal and targets to Sarah asap.


6) Plastic Ocean Film

Use this when it comes out later in the year.

Action: Anne to write an article about the plastic ocean machine and crowd funding for the SC newsletter.


7) AOB

a) Charles had provided information to a member of the public who wanted to join a litter picking group in Crediton.

Action: Charles to do article for Courier and SC newsletter asking if anyone would like to set up a litter picking group. 

b) Carolyn reported that the North Tawton plastic collections were going well. Next one is 19/03.


8) Date of next meeting

 Monday 25th April, 2 pm at Esthers


Anyone interested in Reducing, Reusing or Recycling is welcome to come and join our small friendy group and see what we are planning. All ideas welcome!  

Please contact Esther, our group co-ordinator for further details.


Notes from last meeting

Last updated on by Anne Tucker