Review of Waste Action Group meeting


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Notes from the Meeting


1) Apologies



2) Follow up from Give and Take event

Finances - Total cost was £188, with £195 donations. There is still some money in the SC accounts from previous events and it was agreed that SC would ringfence £350 for any future WAGS events.

Action - Anne to let Esther have cheque for £25 to give to Methodist Chuch for cost of heating, etc.

The Methodist Church were very happy with the way it went and would be happy to host further Give and Take events. 

Lessons learnt

Publicity - signposting  premises could have been better. A4 poster, not A5 posters needed. Also, have pictures in all advertising material and to have message about the aim of the event.

Premises - access for dropping off goods should have been clearer, otherwise very good. In future use a shop on High Street and apply for grant funding and leave it for at least a year.

Discussed reasons for fewer people attending - half term not good? Donor fatigue?

Positives - Repair it event and having a cafe.

WAGs happy to act as consultants if Methodist Church would like to run a give and take or repair it event themselves. 


3) Food Festival Recycling

After meeting with DCC and MDDC the following can be recycled - uncontaminated food, plastic, cans, and foil; glass, clean cardboard. Decision made to carry on with recycling at the food festival, with the proviso that the group would evaluate the outcome.

Action - Jill to ask if it would be possible for the traders to bring their food waste to us to be processed.

Give traders a leaflet on what they can recycle?  Leaflet for the public?


4) Working with DCC (CAG) and Future Projects

Discussed signing up to DCC CAG (Community Action Group) - form circulated. Not positive. 

Action - Esther to get more info and also to invite Ruth who is runing the project to come to next meeting.

Future projects - something on 'Reduce'. Tetrapack and coffee cup recycling, food use event, cookery demos?

Action - Esther to work on ideas and to send to group for feedback before next meeting. 


5) Food Forum with Morrisons/Real Junk Food project with food group

WAGs and food group to contact Morrisons when they have a project.

Action - Esther to go with a food group member to the Exeter Hub project to get info


6) A.O.B.

Paula, Charles and Jill now stepping down from group. Still want minutes.

Articles for website:

Action - All to send Anne any suitable articles and Esther to write someting about working with CAG/Food group


7)  Date of next meeting

16 Jan 2017 2pm at Esther's 


Anyone interested in Reducing, Reusing or Recycling is welcome to come and join our small friendy group and see what we are planning. All ideas welcome!  

Please contact Esther, our group co-ordinator for further details.


Notes from last meeting

Last updated on by Anne Tucker