CAG Devon Skill Share 2017


New Hall, Barrington STreet, Tiverton, EX16 6QP GoogleMap

Come together with other community groups and individuals from across Mid Devon taking action for a more sustainable world. Swap ideas, take part in hands-on training sessions, gain inspiration and receive expert advice. Choose from a menu of sessions:


A) Facebook basics* - a session for novices to take the plunge and enter the world of Facebook

B) Social media* - expand your reach, spread your message and create more engaging content

C) Grubs Up practical - learn how to create a community meal using surplus food rescued from local shops and markets

LUNCH - a delicious meal made by our participants from session A using surplus food


D) Video and graphics for social media - practical session learning how to use simple, free software to create images and video to attract more views and followers

E) Attracting new members and retaining the group magic - a practical toolkit of solutions to diversify your group and keep it fresh

F) Setting up a food surplus cafe - theory session looking at key roles and tasks involved and practical ideas how to spread the Love Food Hate Waste message

The social media and video sessions will be run by Bethan Thomas, who spent four years working with Facebook on its UK Communications, launched the EE brand in 2012 and ran the social media campaign for the Green Party of England and Wales for the 2015 Election campaign.

A World Café session at the end of the afternoon will provide an opportunity for all participants to choose and discuss topics that are relevant to the groups, to share ideas and explore collaborations.

There will be a delicious lunch made from surplus food (by our cookery participants).

We are asking for a suggested donation of £5 on the door to help us cover the costs of the venue. Places are limited so if you book a place, but nearer the time cannot attend, please let us know so that we can offer your place to someone else.