Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 105

Welcome once again to our newsletter.

There is a sense of progress on several levels as local councils across Devon declare a climate emergency. That's the easy bit of course. What we now need to do is to engage with them to ensure the right policies are delivered to reflect this. We need to be having conversations with our local councilllors, as well as with our MP.

Nationally, Extinction Rebellion is gearing up for direct action in five cities across the UK during week beginning 15th July, including Bristol. Details on Facebook etc.

Here in Crediton, our bee project is taking shape: see under diary dates for the next get together on 17th July.

It all counts, it all matters.

Best wishes, John Craythorne, on behalf of Sustainable Crediton

Dates for your Diary
11th July

Crediton Extinction Rebellion: general meeting

17th July

Crediton Bee Project Meeting

Regular Events
News Highlights

Crediton declares a climate emergency: time to get active?

The scale of the global environmental crisis is truly daunting. It can be hard to engage with what is happening, harder still to believe that as individuals we can make a difference. Yet people are doing so, all the time, either individually or collectively with others of like mind. Thus, on 2nd J ...

The Crediton Heart Project: What Do You Think?

If you live in Crediton or one of the many surrounding villages, you cannot have failed to notice that that the town is growing. In the coming years, there will be a significant increase in population. Will we keep the strong sense of identity and community we have now? The Crediton Heart Project b ...

Woodland Group Seeks New Members

Woodland and Hedgerow Group meets twice a month from October through to March at Moor Farm near Morchard Bishop. We are currently coppicing a beautiful native wood in lovely surroundings. At the end of the season, any wood we have collected is shared among the group. We currently have about a dozen ...

Love social media? Can spare an hour a week max?

We'd REALLY like to hear from you. Help Sustainable Crediton spread the word - go on, you know you can do it! ...

Devon Community Action for Wildlife Conference 2019

On Saturday 6th July I went to the Wildlife Conference in Chagford, hosted by Natural Devon. It was well attended with a waiting list for those who had wanted to come. There was a wide selection of talks and workshops from groups all over Devon offering an insight into the wildlife work that is go ...

“I think there is something more important than believing. Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren’t enough whio will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualise their vision.”

W. Clement Stone