Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 112

Welcome to our newsletter.

We hope to see you at our Seed Share event at the Boniface Centre on 29th February: further details under Dates for your Diary. If you would like to get involved, or start your own project or campaign under the auspices of Sustainable Crediton, come and talk to us at the Seed Share about what you would like to do.

CAG (Community Action Groups) Devon is holding a Skill Share event at the Boniface Centre on 21st March. We are lucky to have this on our doorstep. Take this chance to meet other like minded people. Further details below.

Check our other diary dates too. Also newly listed this time round is 'Life on the Verge', an interesting presentation on 9 March at the library.

If you fancy getting your hands dirty and want to plant some trees, take a look at the North Tawton event on 28/29 March.

Nationally, there is potentially worrying news contained in three new government bills relating to the environment, agriculture and fisheries. These will replace and apparently water down environmental protection standards currently set out in EU directives. For the first time in years, we have a government which has an almost unfettered power to act as it sees fit on these as well as other matters. So it is really important that we make our views known to our MP, the local media and in whatever other ways are available to us. Silence means acquiescence, sadly.

Happy campaigning,

John Craythorne, Newsletter Editor, Sustainable Crediton.

Dates for your Diary
18th February

Crediton Town Council: Climate Change and Sustainability Sub-Committee

23rd February

Woodland Management Group working party #4/2020

24th February

Woodland Management Group working party #5/2020

24th February

Crediton Pollinator Project: next meeting

29th February

Seed Share 2020

9th March

Woodland Management Group working party #6/2020

9th March

Life on the Verge in Devon: how to manage road verges for wildlife

10th March

Crediton Town Council: Climate Change and Sustainability Sub-Committee

15th March

Woodland Management Group working party #7/2020

21st March

Community Action Groups Devon: Skill Share

23rd March

Woodland Management Group working party #8/2020

25th March

The Climate and ecological crisis? What's all the fuss about? David Ramsden MBE

28th March

Tree Planting with North Tawton Environmental Trust: 28/29 March

29th March

Woodland Management Group working party #9/2020

Regular Events
News Highlights

Recycling your crisp packets

You can now do it at Crediton Library, Belle Parade, Crediton EX17 2AA. ...

Something special for breakfast: scrambled eggs with smoked salmon

For four portions you will need 8 local free range eggs. Break the eggs into a basin and beat lightly with a fork, season with a little salt and freshly ground black pepper. Melt (50g) 2 oz butter in a saucepan, add the eggs and stir over a gentle heat until the eggs begin to thicken, finish with ...

SusCred Core Group: what we do, and an invitation to our members

The Core Group currently consists of Dee Ross, Core Group Leader; Emma Mitchell, Secretary; Esther Mann, Treasurer, and John Craythorne, Newsletter Editor. We meet informally each month to progress Sustainable Crediton's activities. Through the Core Group, SusCred provides an umbrella organisation ...

It's Seed Share time!

Share, Grow, Eat! Is our annual seed share (and so much else) event. There will be: Local and Heritage Seeds: take some this year, bring some back to share next year; Lunch to enjoy with friends, made from local surplus food; Music from the Woodmen; Bring and share seeds and plants. Exhibiter ...

Community Action Groups Devon: Skill Share - Crediton, 21st March

CAG Devon's annual get-together - a chance to share ideas, be inspired, learn, network and plan to create more sustainable communities. Details of the venue, timings etc can be found under Dates for your Diary. About this Event Come together with CAG Devon groups, other community groups and indiv ...

“You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.”

Anthony Robbins