Review of Annual General Meeting


Methodist Church, High Street, Crediton GoogleMap

About 20 members were in attendance.

Linda Lever, one of the founder members, summarised the first year's activities, which have been impressive. They have included the organisation of 8 environmental film showings and talks, 3 social events, the very successful Energy Day in November and Open Space Day in February, and a high degree of exposure in the local press. In addition we now have more than 200 recognised CCA supporters and 9 action groups focusing on topics related to peak oil and climate change. Not bad for a group formed out of the chance meeting of two people on the bus from Crediton to Exeter in Jan 2007!! 

At the meeting those present looked forward to where we go from here and, as part of preparing to become a Transition Town in the near future, adopted a formal constituition and elected a 12 person Steering Group for 2008/9.

The new Steering Group holds its first meeting this week. Plans for 2008/9 will be discussed and officer roles agreed. We will report more details in coming newsletters.

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