10th December 2008

This month’s CACH News

CACH had a stall at the Gorgeously Green Day and there was a surprising amount of interest in cohousing.

We took about eight new names for our email list and spoke to many more.

My thanks to Hermione Skrine for holding the fort, whilst I had a break.

Ron Cuthbertson attended a renewable energy day at Opportunity Okehampton Business Centre hosted by DARE (Devon Association of Renewable Energy.

Whilst not at the stage yet of having to choose the kind of energy system we'll be using in our cohousing, the cutting edge information he picked up and numerous handouts/leaflets will be very useful later on.

CACH is about to send out a press release so were hoping to to attract more interest and (importantly) new proactive members. Ron and I hope to be meeting with Paul Tucker of MDDC to discuss funding opportunities for CACH and will keep you posted on developments.

Warm wishes for the festive season and a gorgeously green 2009 to all CCA members, Paula Kovacs

17th November 2008

ScHou Group Meeting

13th October 2008

ScHou Group Meeting

15th September 2008

ScHou Group Meeting

30th July 2008

ScHou Group Meeting

12th July 2008

Market Day

The first public appearance of the ScHou Group. Ron and Paula joined Linda and Charles to give out the new SCHou leaflets outside the Greenhouse. If you think there is anywhere you could put these where people might look at them, let me know (they are very much a first effort!). ...

23rd June 2008

ScHou Group Meeting

14th May 2008

Getting Practical about Sustainability

In conjunction with the Dorset Centre for Rural Skills. How can a household or a whole community reduce its fossil fuel use substantially? Whether you worry more about Peak Oil or climate change, we know that big cuts are essential. But how do we get there? The Sustainable Building Reso ...

30th April 2008

Sustainable/Co Housing Group News

Paula Mossman has emailed all the group faciltators with an invitation to host the farmers market stall one week in four in order to better promote our groups and maybe get some more members. I replied saying I thought it was a great idea, but the Schou group was, as yet, small in numbers an unclear about the group aims and what direction we want to go.  You may feel differently, in which case come along to the next meeting on May 12th at John and Hermione's house and we can discuss.

The latest newsletter from The Threshold Centre may be of interest. If you'd like to receive their regular e-newsletter contact them direct.

I'd particularly like to draw your attention to the May 14th workshop, which I feel is relevant to SCHou, especially the  Sustainable Building Resource Centre.

Editors note:'The newsletter from Dorset that Paula Kovacs quotes from here shows what is possible for a committed Sustainable/Co Housing Group. So  CCA members why not join Paula and her small band and get something really worthwhile going in Crediton.'